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Listen to Dr. Tenzin Choedrak chant the Medicine Master Buddha Mantra: MP3: 299 Kb WAV: 5.5 MB

Click here to watch a streaming video excerpt from the 1997 film "The Knowledge of Healing" with Dr. Choedrak and His Holiness. Directed by Franz Reichle, this excerpt is viewable using RealPlayer

This copyrighted film work is excerpted and made available under the "fair use" provision ($107) of the U.S. Copyright Act for research and non-profit educational purposes only. It was filmed at the Tibetan Medicine and Astro. Institute in Dharamsala.

How to Pronounce Om Mani Padme Hum and Medicine Buddha (Sangay menla)

Listen to Tibetan Great Compassion Mantra of Chen Rezi (Avalokiteshvara): 2.9MB MP3

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